    價(jià)格:1 元(人民幣) 產(chǎn)地:115U3E300BACAA115190
    最少起訂量:個(gè) 發(fā)貨地:廈門(mén)
    上架時(shí)間:2017/7/28 瀏覽量:117
    經(jīng)營(yíng)模式:進(jìn)出口商 公司類型:私營(yíng)獨(dú)資企業(yè)
    所屬行業(yè):聲表面器件 主要客戶:煤礦,石油廠,電廠


    聯(lián)系人:葉經(jīng)理 (小姐)







     SE11200037 Commander SE (Size 1), 直轄市: 北京 上海 天津 重慶
    河北: 石家莊 唐山 秦皇島 邯鄲 邢臺(tái) 保定 張家口 承德 滄州 廊坊 衡水山西: 太原 大同 陽(yáng)泉 長(zhǎng)治 晉城 朔州 晉中 運(yùn)城忻州 臨汾 呂梁
    內(nèi)蒙古: 呼和浩特 包頭 烏海 赤峰 通遼 鄂爾多斯 呼倫貝爾 巴彥淖爾 烏蘭察布 興安 錫林郭勒 阿拉善
    遼寧: 沈陽(yáng) 大連 鞍山 撫順 本溪 丹東 錦州 營(yíng)口 阜新 遼陽(yáng) 盤(pán)錦 鐵嶺 朝陽(yáng) 葫蘆島
    吉林: 長(zhǎng)春 吉林 四平 遼源 通化 白山 松原 白城 延邊
    黑龍江: 哈爾濱 齊齊哈爾 雞西 鶴崗 雙鴨山 大慶 伊春 佳木斯 七臺(tái)河 牡丹江 黑河 綏化 大興安嶺
    江蘇: 南京 無(wú)錫 徐州 常州 蘇州 南通 連云港 淮安 鹽城 揚(yáng)州 鎮(zhèn)江 泰州 宿遷
    浙江: 杭州 寧波 溫州 嘉興 湖州 紹興 金華 衢州 舟山 臺(tái)州 麗水
    安徽: 合肥 蕪湖 蚌埠 淮南 馬鞍山 淮北 銅陵 安慶 黃山 滁州 阜陽(yáng) 宿州 巢湖 六安 亳州 池州 宣城
    福建: 福州 廈門(mén) 莆田 三明 泉州 漳州 南平 龍巖 寧德
    江西: 南昌 景德鎮(zhèn) 萍鄉(xiāng) 九江 新余 鷹潭 贛州 吉安 宜春 撫州 上饒
    山東: 濟(jì)南 青島 淄博 棗莊 東營(yíng) 煙臺(tái) 濰坊 威海 濟(jì)寧 泰安 日照 萊蕪 臨沂 德州 聊城 濱州 菏澤
    河南: 鄭州 開(kāi)封 洛陽(yáng) 平頂山 焦作 鶴壁 新鄉(xiāng) 安陽(yáng) 濮陽(yáng) 許昌 漯河 三門(mén)峽 南陽(yáng) 商丘 信陽(yáng) 周口 駐馬店
    湖北: 武漢 黃石 襄樊 十堰 荊州 宜昌 荊門(mén) 鄂州 孝感 黃岡 咸寧 隨州 恩施
    湖南: 長(zhǎng)沙 株洲 湘潭 衡陽(yáng) 邵陽(yáng) 岳陽(yáng) 常德 張家界 益陽(yáng) 郴州 永州 懷化 婁底 湘西
    廣東: 廣州 深圳 珠海 汕頭 韶關(guān) 佛山 江門(mén) 湛江 茂名 肇慶 惠州 梅州 汕尾 河源 陽(yáng)江 清遠(yuǎn) 東莞 中山 潮州 揭陽(yáng)云浮
    廣西: 南寧 柳州 桂林 梧州 北海 防城港 欽州 貴港 玉林 百色 賀州 河池 來(lái)賓 崇左
    海南: ? 三亞
    四川: 成都 自貢 攀枝花 瀘州 德陽(yáng) 綿陽(yáng) 廣元 遂寧 內(nèi)江 樂(lè)山 南充 宜賓 廣安 達(dá)州 眉山 雅安 巴中 資陽(yáng) 阿壩 甘孜涼山
    貴州: 貴陽(yáng) 六盤(pán)水 遵義 安順 銅仁 畢節(jié) 黔西南 黔東南 黔南
    云南: 昆明 曲靖 玉溪 保山 昭通 麗江 普洱 臨滄 文山 紅河 西雙版納 楚雄 大理 德宏 怒江 迪慶
    西藏: 拉薩 昌都 山南 日喀則 那曲 阿里 林芝
    陜西: 西安 銅川 寶雞 咸陽(yáng) 渭南 延安 漢中 榆林 安康 商洛
    甘肅: 蘭州 嘉峪關(guān) 金昌 白銀 天水 武威 張掖 平?jīng)?酒泉 慶陽(yáng) 定西 隴南 臨夏 甘南
    青海: 西寧 海東 海北 黃南 海南 果洛 玉樹(shù) 海西
    寧夏: 銀川 石嘴山 吳忠 固原 中衛(wèi)
    新疆: 烏魯木齊 克拉瑪依 吐魯番 哈密 和田 阿克蘇 喀什 克孜勒蘇柯?tīng)柨俗?巴音郭楞蒙古 昌吉 博爾塔拉蒙古 伊犁哈薩克塔城   阿勒泰
    港澳臺(tái): 香港 澳門(mén) 臺(tái)灣型號(hào)現(xiàn)貨以上全部都是我公司現(xiàn)貨低價(jià)好談0.50hp, 230Vac, 1? Input - 3? Output, 2.3A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1 
    SE11200055 Commander SE (Size 1), 0.75hp, 230Vac, 1? Input - 3? Output, 3.1A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1 
    SE11200075 Commander SE (Size 1), 1hp, 230Vac, 1? Input - 3? Output, 4.3A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1 
    SE232001-N1 Commander SE ExpressPak, 1hp, 230V - 3?, 3.8 Amps, Nema 1 
    SE232001-N12 Commander SE ExpressPak, 1hp, 230V - 3?, 3.8 Amps, Nema 12 
    SE232002-N1 Commander SE ExpressPak, 2hp, 230V - 3?, 5.6 Amps, Nema 1 
    SE232002-N12 Commander SE ExpressPak, 2hp, 230V - 3?, 5.6 Amps, Nema 12 
    SE232003-N1 Commander SE ExpressPak, 3hp, 230V - 3?, 9.5 Amps, Nema 1 
    SE232003-N12 Commander SE ExpressPak, 3hp, 230V - 3?, 9.5 Amps, Nema 12 
    SE Commander SE (Size 2), 5hp, 230V - 3?, 17A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1 
    SE232005-N1 Commander SE ExpressPak, 5hp, 230V - 3?, 12.0 Amps, Nema 1 
    SE232005-N12 Commander SE ExpressPak, 5hp, 230V - 3?, 12.0 Amps, Nema 12 
    SE Commander SE (Size 2), 1hp, 460V - 3?, 2.1A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1 
    SE Commander SE (Size 2), 2hp, 460V - 3?, 4.2A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    SE234001-N1 Commander SE ExpressPak, 1hp, 480V - 3?, 2.1 Amps, Nema 1 
    SE234001-N12 Commander SE ExpressPak, 1hp, 480V - 3?, 2.1 Amps, Nema 12 
    SE Commander SE (Size 2), 3hp, 460V - 3?, 5.8A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1 
    SE234002-N1 Commander SE ExpressPak, 2hp, 480V - 3?, 2.8 Amps, Nema 1 
    SE234002-N12 Commander SE ExpressPak, 2hp, 480V - 3?, 2.8 Amps, Nema 12 
    SE234003-N1 Commander SE ExpressPak, 3hp, 480V - 3?, 3.8 Amps, Nema 1 
    SE234003-N12 Commander SE ExpressPak, 3hp, 480V - 3?, 3.8 Amps, Nema 12 
    SE Commander SE (Size 2), 5hp, 460V - 3?, 9.5A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1 
    SE234005-N1 Commander SE ExpressPak, 5hp, 480V - 3?, 5.6 Amps, Nema 1 
    SE234005-N12 Commander SE ExpressPak, 5hp, 480V - 3?, 5.6 Amps, Nema 12 
    SE2D200075 Commander SE (Size 2), 1hp, 230Vac, 1? or 3? Input - 3? Output, 4.3A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1 
    SE2D200150 Commander SE (Size 2), 2hp, 230Vac, 1? or 3? Input - 3? Output, 7.5A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1 
    SE2D200220 Commander SE (Size 2), 3hp, 230Vac, 1? or 3? Input - 3? Output, 10.6A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1 
    SE2WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years0n Commander SE - Size 2 
    SE Commander SE (Size 3), 7.5hp, 230V - 3?, 25A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1 
    SE Commander SE (Size 3), 10hp, 230V - 3?, 28.5A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1 
    SE332007-N1 Commander SE ExpressPak, 7.5hp, 230V - 3?, 16.0 Amps, Nema 1 
    SE332007-N12 Commander SE ExpressPak, 7.5hp, 230V - 3?, 16.0 Amps, Nema 12 
    SE332010-N1 Commander SE ExpressPak, 10hp, 230V - 3?, 25 Amps, Nema 1 
    SE332010-N12 Commander SE ExpressPak, 10hp, 230V - 3?, 25 Amps, Nema 12
    SE Commander SE (Size 3), 7.5hp, 460V - 3?, 13A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1 
    SE Commander SE (Size 3), 10hp, 460V - 3?, 16.5A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1 
    SE334007-N1 Commander SE ExpressPak, 7.5hp, 480V - 3?, 9.5 Amps, Nema 1 
    SE334007-N12 Commander SE ExpressPak, 7.5hp, 480V - 3?, 9.5 Amps, Nema 12 
    SE334010-N1 Commander SE ExpressPak, 10hp, 480V - 3?, 12 Amps, Nema 1
    SE334010-N12 Commander SE ExpressPak, 10hp, 480V - 3?, 12 Amps, Nema 12
    SE3WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years0n Commander SE - Size 3 
    SE Commander SE (Size 4), 15hp, 460V - 3?, 24.5A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1 
    SE Commander SE (Size 4), 20hp, 460V - 3?, 30.5A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1 
    SE434015-N1 Commander SE ExpressPak, 15hp, 480V - 3?, 16 Amps, Nema 1 
    SE434015-N12 Commander SE ExpressPak, 15hp, 480V - 3?, 16 Amps, Nema 12 
    SE Commander SE (Size 4), 25hp, 460V - 3?, 37A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1 
    SE434020-N1 Commander SE ExpressPak, 20hp, 480V - 3?, 25 Amps, Nema 1 
    SE434020-N12 Commander SE ExpressPak, 20hp, 480V - 3?, 25 Amps, Nema 12 
    SE4WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years0n Commander SE - Size 4 
    SE51 Bi-polar speed reference input card (Commander SE) 
    SE51-UG SE51 Card User Guide 
    SE Commander SE (Size 5), 30hp, 460V - 3?, 46A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    SE534025-N1 Commander SE ExpressPak, 25hp, 480V - 3?, 37 Amps, Nema 1 
    SE534025-N12 Commander SE ExpressPak, 25hp, 480V - 3?, 37 Amps, Nema 12 
    SE Commander SE (Size 5), 40hp, 460V - 3?, 60A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1 
    SE534030-N1 Commander SE ExpressPak, 30hp, 480V - 3?, 46 Amps, Nema 1
    SE534030-N12 Commander SE ExpressPak, 30hp, 480V - 3?, 46 Amps, Nema 12 
    SE Commander SE (Size 5), 50hp, 460V - 3?, 70A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1 
    SE534040-N1 Commander SE ExpressPak, 40hp, 480V - 3?, 60 Amps, Nema 1 
    SE534040-N12 Commander SE ExpressPak, 40hp, 480V - 3?, 60 Amps, Nema 12 
    SE534050-N1 Commander SE ExpressPak, 50hp, 480V - 3?, 70 Amps, Nema 1 
    SE534050-N12 Commander SE ExpressPak, 50hp, 480V - 3?, 70 Amps, Nema 12 
    SE55 Quickey / Cloning Module (Commander SE)
    SE73 Profibus-DP interface card (Commander SE) 
    SE73-UG SE73 (Profibus-DP) User Guide 
    SE74 Interbus-S interface card (Commander SE) 
    SE77CO CANOpen interface card (Commander SE) 
    SE77CO-UG SE77CO (CANOpen) User Guide 
    SE77DN DeviceNet interface card (Commander SE) 
    SE77DN-UG SE77DN (DeviceNet) User Guide 
    SE-UG Commander SE Users Guide 
    SM-CANOPEN CANOpen Solutions Module 
    SM-CANOPEN CANOpen Solutions Module 
    SM-CANOPEN CANOpen Solutions Module 
    SMCO-UG SM-CANOpen User Guide 
    SM-DAC SM Fan and Pump Duty-Assist Preprogrammed Option Module 
    SM-DEVICENET DeviceNet Solutions Module 
    SM-DEVICENET DeviceNet Solutions Module 
    SM-DEVICENET DeviceNet Solutions Module 
    SMDN-UG SM-DeviceNet User Guide 
    SM-ENCODER PLUS Encoder Plus Solutions Module, provides an additional incremental encoder feedback port. 
    SMEP-UG SM-Encoder Plus User Guide 
    SM-ETC 15 Pin D Shell to 15 pin screw terminal break out board for servo and vector motor encoder feedback cable
    SM-ETHERNET Ethernet TCP/IP Solutions Module 
    SM-ETHERNET Ethernet TCP/IP Solutions Module
    SM-ETHERNET Ethernet TCP/IP Solutions Module 
    SM-EZMOTION Motion Made Easy Solutions Module, Utilizing PowerTools programming software 
    SMEZ-UG SM-EZMotion User Guide
    SM-FSC SM Flying Shear Control Preprogrammed Option Module 
    SM-HEATSINK DBR1 Braking Resistor, 75 Ohm, 50 Watt, Heatsink mount for Unidrive SP size 1 
    SM-HEATSINK DBR2 Braking Resistor, 37.5 Ohm, 100 Watt, Heatsink mount for Unidrive SP size 2 
    SM-I/O LITE I/O Lite Solutions Module - (1) +/- 10V Bi-polar or 4-20mA input, (3) digital inputs, (1) 0-10V or 4-20mA output, (1) relay output, (1) Incremental Encoder Speed Reference input 
    SM-I/O LITE I/O Lite Solutions Module - (1) +/- 10V Bi-polar or 4-20mA input, (3) digital inputs, (1) 0-10V or 4-20mA output, (1) relay output, (1) Incremental Encoder Speed Reference input 
    SM-I/O LITE I/O Lite Solutions Module - (1) +/- 10V Bi-polar or 4-20mA input, (3) digital inputs, (1) 0-10V or 4-20mA output, (1) relay output, (1) Incremental Encoder Speed Reference input 
    SM-I/O PLUS I/O Solutions Module, High Performance, (2) +/- 10V analog input, (1) +/- 10V output, (3) digital inputs, (3) programmable digital I/O, (2) relay output, 
    SM-I/O TIMER I/O Lite Solutions Module w/real time clock for scheduling events, (1) +/- 10V Bi-polar or 4-20mA input, (3) digital inputs, (1) 0-10V or 4-20mA output, (1) relay output, (1) Incl Enc Spd Ref input 
    SM-I/O TIMER I/O Lite Solutions Module w/real time clock for scheduling events, (1) +/- 10V Bi-polar or 4-20mA input, (3) digital inputs, (1) 0-10V or 4-20mA output, (1) relay output, (1) Incl Enc Spd Ref input 
    SM-I/O TIMER I/O Lite Solutions Module w/real time clock for scheduling events, (1) +/- 10V Bi-polar or 4-20mA input, (3) digital inputs, (1) 0-10V or 4-20mA output, (1) relay output, (1) Incl Enc Spd Ref input 
    SMIB-UG SM-Interbus-S User Guide 
    SM-INTERBUS Interbus-S Solutions Module 
    SM-INTERBUS Interbus-S Solutions Module 
    SM-INTERBUS Interbus-S Solutions Module 
    SM-KEYPAD LED Keypad, 7 digit LED data display, Configured for Unidrive SP 
    SM-KEYPAD PLUS LCD Keypad, back-lit, dual language,0n-screen help, remote mountable 
    SMPB-UG SM-Profibus User Guide 
    SM-PELV PELV Solutions Module - Isolated I/O to NAMUR NE37 specification for chemical industry applications 
    SM-PELV PELV Solutions Module - Isolated I/O to NAMUR NE37 specification for chemical industry applications
    SM-PELV PELV Solutions Module - Isolated I/O to NAMUR NE37 specification for chemical industry applications 
    SM-PROFIBUS Profibus-DP Solutions Module - Fieldbus Option Only 
    SM-PROFIBUS Profibus-DP Solutions Module - Fieldbus Option Only 
    SM-PROFIBUS Profibus-DP Solutions Module - Fieldbus Option Only 
    SM-RESOLVER Resolver Solutions Module, providing a resolver feedback port, w/simulated encoder output 
    SM-SERCOS SERCOS Solutions Module
    SM-SLM SLM Solutions Module
    SMUE-UG SM-Uni Encoder User Guide
    SM-UNI ENCODER Universal Encoder Plus Solutions Module, provides an additional increamental or Absolute encoder feedback port and simulated encoder output.
    SM-Winder SM Speed and Torque Based Centerwind Preprogrammed Option Module
    SNCDD-001.5 mso-spacerun: yes> Sync in/out cable, 7 Pin Mini-DIN connector0n0ne end and an 8 Pin Mini -DIN connector0n the other, 1.5 ft Length (FM3/4 to FM3/4)
    SP1201-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 5.2A (1.5hp), Heavy Duty - 4.3A (1hp)
    SP1201-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 5.2A (1.5hp), Heavy Duty - 4.3A (1hp)
    SP1201-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 5.2A (1.5hp), Heavy Duty - 4.3A (1hp)
    SP1202-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 6.8A (2hp), Heavy Duty - 5.8A (1.5hp)
    SP1202-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 6.8A (2hp), Heavy Duty - 5.8A (1.5hp)
    SP1202-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 6.8A (2hp), Heavy Duty - 5.8A (1.5hp)
    SP1203-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 9.6A (3hp), Heavy Duty - 7.5A (2hp)
    SP1203-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 9.6A (3hp), Heavy Duty - 7.5A (2hp)
    SP1203-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 9.6A (3hp), Heavy Duty - 7.5A (2hp)
    SP1204-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 11A (3hp), Heavy Duty - 10.6A (3hp)
    SP1204-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 11A (3hp), Heavy Duty - 10.6A (3hp)
    SP1204-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 11A (3hp), Heavy Duty - 10.6A (3hp)
    SP1401-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 2.8A (1.5hp), Heavy Duty - 2.1A (1hp)
    SP1401-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 2.8A (1.5hp), Heavy Duty - 2.1A (1hp)
    SP1401-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 2.8A (1.5hp), Heavy Duty - 2.1A (1hp)
    SP1402-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 3.8A (2hp), Heavy Duty - 3.0A (2hp)
    SP1402-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 3.8A (2hp), Heavy Duty - 3.0A (2hp)
    SP1402-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 3.8A (2hp), Heavy Duty - 3.0A (2hp)
    SP1403-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 5.0A (3hp), Heavy Duty - 4.2A (3hp)
    SP1403-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 5.0A (3hp), Heavy Duty - 4.2A (3hp)
    SP1403-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 5.0A (3hp), Heavy Duty - 4.2A (3hp)
    SP1404-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 6.9A (5hp), Heavy Duty - 5.8A (3hp)
    SP1404-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 6.9A (5hp), Heavy Duty - 5.8A (3hp)
    SP1404-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 6.9A (5hp), Heavy Duty - 5.8A (3hp)
    SP1405-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 8.8A (5hp), Heavy Duty - 7.6A (5hp)
    SP1405-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 8.8A (5hp), Heavy Duty - 7.6A (5hp)
    SP1405-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 8.8A (5hp), Heavy Duty - 7.6A (5hp)
    SP1406-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 11A (7.5hp), Heavy Duty - 9.5A (5hp)
    SP1406-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 11A (7.5hp), Heavy Duty - 9.5A (5hp)
    SP1406-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 11A (7.5hp), Heavy Duty - 9.5A (5hp)
    SP1WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years0n Unidrive SP - Size 1
    SP2201-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 15.5A (5hp), Heavy Duty - 12.6A (3hp)
    SP2201-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 15.5A (5hp), Heavy Duty - 12.6A (3hp)
    SP2201-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 15.5A (5hp), Heavy Duty - 12.6A (3hp)
    SP2202-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 22A (7.5hp), Heavy Duty - 17A (5hp)
    SP2202-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 22A (7.5hp), Heavy Duty - 17A (5hp)
    SP2202-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 22A (7.5hp), Heavy Duty - 17A (5hp)
    SP2203-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 28A (10hp), Heavy Duty - 25A (7.5hp)
    SP2203-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 28A (10hp), Heavy Duty - 25A (7.5hp)
    SP2203-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 28A (10hp), Heavy Duty - 25A (7.5hp)
    SP2401-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 15.3A (10hp), Heavy Duty - 13A (10hp)
    SP2401-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 15.3A (10hp), Heavy Duty - 13A (10hp)
    SP2401-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 15.3A (10hp), Heavy Duty - 13A (10hp)
    SP2402-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 21A (15hp), Heavy Duty - 16.5A (10hp)
    SP2402-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 21A (15hp), Heavy Duty - 16.5A (10hp)
    SP2402-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 21A (15hp), Heavy Duty - 16.5A (10hp)
    SP2403-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 29A (20hp), Heavy Duty - 25A (20hp)
    SP2403-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 29A (20hp), Heavy Duty - 25A (20hp)
    SP2403-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 29A (20hp), Heavy Duty - 25A (20hp)
    SP2WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years0n Unidrive SP - Size 2
    SP3201-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 42A (15hp), Heavy Duty - 31A (10hp)
    SP3201-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 42A (15hp), Heavy Duty - 31A (10hp)
    SP3201-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 42A (15hp), Heavy Duty - 31A (10hp)
    SP3202-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 54A (20hp), Heavy Duty - 42A (15hp)
    SP3202-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 54A (20hp), Heavy Duty - 42A (15hp)
    SP3202-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 54A (20hp), Heavy Duty - 42A (15hp)
    SP3401-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 35A (25hp), Heavy Duty - 32A (25hp)
    SP3401-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 35A (25hp), Heavy Duty - 32A (25hp)
    SP3401-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 35A (25hp), Heavy Duty - 32A (25hp)
    SP3402-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 43A (30hp), Heavy Duty - 40A (30hp)
    SP3402-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 43A (30hp), Heavy Duty - 40A (30hp)
    SP3402-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 43A (30hp), Heavy Duty - 40A (30hp)
    SP3403-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 56A (40hp), Heavy Duty - 46A (30hp)
    SP3403-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 56A (40hp), Heavy Duty - 46A (30hp)
    SP3403-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 460Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 56A (40hp), Heavy Duty - 46A (30hp)
    SP3501-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 575Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 5.4A (3hp), Heavy Duty - 4.1A (2hp)
    SP3501-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 575Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 5.4A (3hp), Heavy Duty - 4.1A (2hp)
    SP3501-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 575Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 5.4A (3hp), Heavy Duty - 4.1A (2hp)
    SP3502-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 575Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 6.1A (5hp), Heavy Duty - 5.4A (3hp)
    SP3502-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 575Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 6.1A (5hp), Heavy Duty - 5.4A (3hp)
    SP3502-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 575Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 6.1A (5hp), Heavy Duty - 5.4A (3hp)
    SP3503-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 575Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 8.4A (7.5hp), Heavy Duty - 6.1A (5hp)
    SP3503-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 575Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 8.4A (7.5hp), Heavy Duty - 6.1A (5hp)
    SP3503-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 575Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 8.4A (7.5hp), Heavy Duty - 6.1A (5hp)
    SP3504-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 575Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 11A (10hp), Heavy Duty - 9.5A (7.5hp)
    SP3504-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 575Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 11A (10hp), Heavy Duty - 9.5A (7.5hp)
    SP3504-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 575Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 11A (10hp), Heavy Duty - 9.5A (7.5hp)
    SP3505-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 575Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 16A (15hp), Heavy Duty - 12A (10hp)
    SP3505-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 575Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 16A (15hp), Heavy Duty - 12A (10hp)
    SP3505-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 575Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 16A (15hp), Heavy Duty - 12A (10hp)
    SP3506-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 575Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 22A (20hp), Heavy Duty - 18A (15hp)
    SP3506-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 575Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 22A (20hp), Heavy Duty - 18A (15hp)
    SP3506-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 575Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 22A (20hp), Heavy Duty - 18A (15hp)
    SP3507-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 575Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 27A (25hp), Heavy Duty - 22A (20hp)
    SP3507-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 575Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 27A (25hp), Heavy Duty - 22A (20hp)
    SP3507-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 575Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 27A (25hp), Heavy Duty - 22A (20hp)
    SP3WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years0n Unidrive SP - Size 3
    SP4201-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 68A (25hp), Heavy Duty - 56A (20hp)
    SP4201-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 68A (25hp), Heavy Duty - 56A (20hp)
    SP4201-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 68A (25hp), Heavy Duty - 56A (20hp)
    SP4202-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 80A (30hp), Heavy Duty - 68A (25hp)
    SP4202-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 80A (30hp), Heavy Duty - 68A (25hp)
    SP4202-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 80A (30hp), Heavy Duty - 68A (25hp)
    SP4203-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 104A (40hp), Heavy Duty - 80A (30hp)
    SP4203-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 104A (40hp), Heavy Duty - 80A (30hp)
    SP4203-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 230Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 104A (40hp), Heavy Duty - 80A (30hp)
    SP4401-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 480Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 68A (50hp), Heavy Duty - 60A (50hp)
    SP4401-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 480Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 68A (50hp), Heavy Duty - 60A (50hp)
    SP4401-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 480Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 68A (50hp), Heavy Duty - 60A (50hp)
    SP4402-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 480Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 83A (60hp), Heavy Duty - 74A (60hp)
    SP4402-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 480Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 83A (60hp), Heavy Duty - 74A (60hp)
    SP4402-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 480Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 83A (60hp), Heavy Duty - 74A (60hp)
    SP4403-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 480Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty -104A (75hp), Heavy Duty -96A (75hp)
    SP4403-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 480Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty -104A (75hp), Heavy Duty -96A (75hp)
    SP4403-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 480Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty -104A (75hp), Heavy Duty -96A (75hp)
    SP4601-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 575/690Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 22A (20/25hp), Heavy Duty - 18A (15/20hp)
    SP4601-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 575/690Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 22A (20/25hp), Heavy Duty - 18A (15/20hp)
    SP4601-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 575/690Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 22A (20/25hp), Heavy Duty - 18A 15/20hp)
    SP4602-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 575/690Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 27A (25/30hp), Heavy Duty - 22A (20/25hp)
    SP4602-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 575/690Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 27A (25/30hp), Heavy Duty - 22A (20/25hp)
    SP4602-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 575/690Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 27A (25/30hp), Heavy Duty - 22A (20/25hp)
    SP4603-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 575/690Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 36A (30/40hp), Heavy Duty - 27A (25/30hp)
    SP4603-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 575/690Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 36A (30/40hp), Heavy Duty - 27A (25/30hp)
    SP4603-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 575/690Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 36A (30/40hp), Heavy Duty - 27A (25/30hp)
    SP4604-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 575/690Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 43A (40/50hp), Heavy Duty - 36A (40hp)
    SP4604-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 575/690Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 43A (40/50hp), Heavy Duty - 36A (30/40hp)
    SP4604-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 575/690Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 43A (40/50hp), Heavy Duty - 36A (30/40hp)
    SP4605-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 575/690Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 52A (50/60hp), Heavy Duty - 43A (40/50hp)
    SP4605-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 575/690Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 52A (50/60hp), Heavy Duty - 43A (40/50hp)
    SP4605-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 575/690Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 52A (50/60hp), Heavy Duty - 43A (40/50hp)
    SP4606-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 575/690Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 62A (60/74hp), Heavy Duty - 52A (50/60hp)
    SP4606-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 575/690Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 62A (60/74hp), Heavy Duty - 52A (50/60hp)
    SP4606-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 575/690Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 62A (60/75hp), Heavy Duty - 52A (50/60hp)
    SP4WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years0n Unidrive SP - Size 4
    SP5401-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 480Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty -138A (100P), Heavy Duty -124A (100hp)
    SP5401-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 480Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty -138A (100P), Heavy Duty -124A (100hp)
    SP5401-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 480Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty -138A (100P), Heavy Duty -124A (100hp)
    SP5402-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 480Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty -168A (125P), Heavy Duty -156A (125hp)
    SP5402-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 480Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty -168A (125P), Heavy Duty -156A (125hp)
    SP5402-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 480Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty -168A (125P), Heavy Duty -156A (125hp)
    SP5601-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 575/690Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 84A (75/100hp), Heavy Duty - 62A (75hp)
    SP5601-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 575/690Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 84A (75/100hp), Heavy Duty - 62A (60/75hp)
    SP5601-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 575/690Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 84A (75/100hp), Heavy Duty - 62A (60/75hp)
    SP5602-LCD Unidrive SP with LCD Keypad, 575/690Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 99A (100/125hp), Heavy Duty - 84A (100hp)
    SP5602-LED Unidrive SP with LED Keypad, 575/690Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 99A (100/125hp), Heavy Duty - 84A (100hp)
    SP5602-NKP Unidrive SP without Keypad, 575/690Vac, Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 99A (100/125hp), Heavy Duty - 84A (75/100hp)
    SX1PB Commander SX, 1.0hp, 230Vac, 3 Input - 3 Output, 4.4A Cont. Output Current, Nema 4X
    SX1PB Commander SX, 1.0hp, 460Vac, 3 Input - 3 Output, 2.2A Cont. Output Current, Nema 4X
    SX1PB Commander SX, 2.0hp, 460Vac, 3 Input - 3 Output, 4.4A Cont. Output Current, Nema 4X
    SX1WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years0n Commander SX - Size 1
    SXPB Commander SX, 2.0hp, 230Vac, 3 Input - 3 Output, 8.0A Cont. Output Current, Nema 4X
    SXPB Commander SX, 3.0hp, 230Vac, 3 Input - 3 Output, 10.0A Cont. Output Current, Nema 4X
    SXPB Commander SX, 3.0hp, 460Vac, 3 Input - 3 Output, 6.1A Cont. Output Current, Nema 4X
    SXPB Commander SX, 5.0hp, 460Vac, 3 Input - 3 Output, 10.0A Cont. Output Current, Nema 4X
    SX2WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years0n Commander SX - Size 2
    SXPB Commander SX, 5.0hp, 230Vac, 3 Input - 3 Output, 16.9A Cont. Output Current, Nema 4X
    SXPB Commander SX, 7.5hp, 460Vac, 3 Input - 3 Output, 13.6A Cont. Output Current, Nema 4X
    SXPB Commander SX, 10.0hp, 460Vac, 3 Input - 3 Output, 16.9A Cont. Output Current, Nema 4X
    SX3WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years0n Commander SX - Size 3
    SXSOFT Windows based configuration tool for the Commander SX
    SYPT-LITE Programming tool for drive's with built in PLC capability and SM-Apps Lite Module
    SYPT-LITE Programming tool for drive's with built in PLC capability and SM-Apps Lite Module
    SYPTPRO Coprocessor module programming and CTNet system configuration tool, Software registration required
    SYPTPRO Coprocessor module programming and CTNet system configuration tool, Software registration required
    T-21 Data Entry Terminal - used w/ either FX or PCM 535 for editing and displaying simple motion parameters
    T-60 PC based operator interface keyboard and display terminal, 8 I/O, mso-spacerun: yes> 9-32 VDC, 9 pin comm. conn. 64k Std
    T-61 mso-spacerun: yes> Enhanced PC based operator interface keyboard and display terminal, 24 I/O, mso-spacerun: yes> 95-145 Vac, 25 pin communication connector 32k Standard
    TD-10 RS-232, DB-9 male to DB-9 male, 10 ft Length
    TD-25 RS-232, DB-9 male to DB-9 male, 25 ft Length
    TD-50 RS-232, DB-9 male to DB-9 male, 50 ft Length
    TD-xxx RS-232, DB-9 male to DB-9 male, Custom Length - 1 ft increments
    TERM-H Terminator Block for head of serial string (EN,Epsilon, MDS)
    TERM-T Terminator Block for tail of serial string (EN, Epsilon, MDS)
    TIA-10 RS232 Serial Interface Molded Cable, DB9-S0n computer end, DB9-P0n drive end, 10 ft Length (EN, Epsilon, MDS to PC, HMI, PLC {Modbus Master})
    TIA-25 RS232 Serial Interface Molded Cable, DB9-S0n computer end, DB9-P0n drive end, 25 ft Length (EN, Epsilon, MDS to PC, HMI, PLC {Modbus Master})
    TIA-50 RS232 Serial Interface Molded Cable, DB9-S0n computer end, DB9-P0n drive end, 50 ft Length (EN, Epsilon, MDS to PC, HMI, PLC {Modbus Master})
    TIA-ECE-xxx External FX to PC
    TIA-ICE-xxx Internal FX to PC
    TIA-xxx RS232 Serial Interface Molded Cable, DB9-S0n computer end, DB9-P0n drive end, Custom Length - 1 ft increments (EN, Epsilon, MDS to PC, HMI, PLC {Modbus Master})
    UD50 Extended I/O, Small Option Module (Unidrive)
    UD50-UG UD50 Module User Guide
    UD51 Second Encoder Feedback, Small Option Module (Unidrive)
    UD51-UG UD51 Module User Guide
    UD52 SIN/COS (Absolute - Hiperface Protocol) Encoder Feedback, Small Option Module (Unidrive)
    UD52-UG UD52 Module User Guide
    UD53 Resolver Feedback, Small Option Module (Undrive)
    UD53-UG UD53 Module User Guide
    UD55 Memory Cloning, Small Option Module (Unidrive)
    UD55-UG UD55 Module User Guide
    UD70 Application Coprocessor with Modbus RTU, Large Option module (Unidrive)
    UD70/MD29-UG UD70 and MD29 User Guide
    UD70-DAC Duty-Assist, Preprogrammed Large Option Module with Modbus RTU (Unidrive)
    UD70-DMW Dual Mode Winder, Preprogrammed Large Option Module with Modbus RTU (Unidrive)
    UD70-FSC Flying Shear Control, Preprogrammed Large Option Module with Modbus RTU (Unidrive)
    UD71 RS-232/485, Large Option Module (Unidrive)
    UD71-UG UD71 Module User Guide
    UD73 Application Coprocessor with Profibus-DP, Large Option module (Unidrive)
    UD73-COM Profibus-DP, Large Option Module - Communications Only (Unidrive)
    UD73-DAC Duty-Assist, Preprogrammed Large Option Module with Profibus-DP (Unidrive)
    UD73-DMW Dual Mode Winder, Preprogrammed Large Option Module with Profibus-DP (Unidrive)
    UD73-FSC Flying Shear Control, Preprogrammed Large Option Module with Profibus-DP (Unidrive)
    UD73-UG UD73 Module (Profibus-DP) User Guide
    UD74 Application Coprocessor with InterBus-S, Large Option module (Unidrive)
    UD74-COM InterBus-S, Large Option Module - Communications Only (Unidrive)
    UD74-DAC Duty-Assist, Preprogrammed Large Option Module with Interbus-S (Unidrive)
    UD74-DMW Dual Mode Winder, Preprogrammed Large Option Module with Interbus-S (Unidrive)
    UD74-FSC Flying Shear Control, Preprogrammed Large Option Module with Interbus-S (Unidrive)
    UD74-UG UD74 Module (Interbus-S) User Guide
    UD75 Application Coprocessor with CTNet (Not compatible with UD75-RevD Module), Large Option module (Unidrive)
    UD75-DAC Duty-Assist, Preprogrammed Large Option Module with CTNet (Unidrive)
    UD75-DMW Dual Mode Winder, Preprogrammed Large Option Module with CTNet (Unidrive)
    UD75-FSC Flying Shear Control, Preprogrammed Large Option Module with CTNet (Unidrive)
    UD75-REVD Application Coprocessor with CTNet Rev D (Current Version of CTNet), Large Option module (Unidrive)
    UD76 Application Coprocessor with Modbus Plus, Large Option module (Unidrive)
    UD76-COM Modbus Plus, Large Option Module - Communications Only (Unidrive)
    UD76-UG UD76 Module (Modbus Plus) User Guide
    UD77CO Application Coprocessor with CANopen, Large Option module (Unidrive)
    UD77CO-COM CANOpen, Large Option Module - Communications Only (Unidrive)
    UD77-DAC Duty-Assist, Preprogrammed Large Option Module with DeviceNet (Unidrive)
    UD77-DMW Dual Mode Winder, Preprogrammed Large Option Module with DeviceNet (Unidrive)
    UD77DN Application Coprocessor with DeviceNet, Large Option module (Unidrive)
    UD77DN-COM DeviceNet, Large Option Module - Communications Only (Unidrive)
    UD77-FSC Flying Shear Control, Preprogrammed Large Option Module with DeviceNet (Unidrive)
    UD77-UG UD77 Module (DeviceNet) User Guide
    UD78 Precision Analog Input, 24VDC Back-up Supply Connection, Large Option Module (Unidrive)
    UD78-UG UD78 Module User Guide
    UDBV1 Screw terminal to 15 pin break out board for servo motor encoder feedback cable (Unidrive)
    UDBV3 Screw terminal to 8 pin break out board for vector motor encoder feedback cable (Unidrive)
    UFCS-005 Motor Feedback Cable, Connectors0n both ends, 5 ft Length (Unidrive, Unidrive SP to NT, MG, MH)
    UFCS-015 Motor Feedback Cable, Connectors0n both ends, 15 ft Length (Unidrive, Unidrive SP to NT, MG, MH)
    UFCS-025 Motor Feedback Cable, Connectors0n both ends, 25 ft Length (Unidrive, Unidrive SP to NT, MG, MH)
    UFCS-050 Motor Feedback Cable, Connectors0n both ends, 50 ft Length (Unidrive, Unidrive SP to NT, MG, MH)
    UFCS-100 Motor Feedback Cable, Connectors0n both ends, 100 ft Length (Unidrive, Unidrive SP to NT, MG, MH)
    UFCS-xxx Motor Feedback Cable, Connectors at both ends, Custom Length - 1 ft increments (Unidrive, Unidrive SP to NT, MG, MH)
    UNI1203LV Unidrive (Size 1), 1hp, 230V - 3, 3.8A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI1203VTCLV Unidrive VTC (Size 1), 1hp, 230V - 3, 3.8 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI1204LV Unidrive (Size 1), 1.5hp, 230V - 3, 5.6A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI1204VTCLV Unidrive VTC (Size 1), 1.5hp, 230V - 3, 5.6 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI1205LV Unidrive (Size 1), 3hp, 230V - 3, 9.5A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI1205VTCLV Unidrive VTC (Size 1), 3hp, 230V - 3, 9.5 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI1401 Unidrive (Size 1), 1hp, 460V - 3, 2.1A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI1401LFT Unidrive LFT, 1hp, 460V - 3, 2.1 Amps, Nema 1
    UNI1401-N1 Unidrive ExpressPak, 1hp, 460V - 3, 2.1 Amps, Nema 1
    UNI1401-N12 Unidrive ExpressPak, 1hp, 460V - 3, 2.1 Amps, Nema 12
    UNI1401VTC Unidrive VTC (Size 1), 1hp, 460V - 3, 2.1 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI1402 Unidrive (Size 1), 1.5hp, 460V - 3, 2.8A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI1402LFT Unidrive LFT, 1.5hp, 460V - 3, 2.8 Amps, Nema 1
    UNI1402-N1 Unidrive ExpressPak, 1.5hp, 460V - 3, 2.8 Amps, Nema 1
    UNI1402-N12 Unidrive ExpressPak, 1.5hp, 460V - 3, 2.8 Amps, Nema 12
    UNI1402VTC Unidrive VTC (Size 1), 1.5hp, 460V - 3, 2.8 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI1403 Unidrive (Size 1), 2hp, 460V - 3, 3.8A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI1403LFT Unidrive LFT, 2hp, 460V - 3, 3.8 Amps, Nema 1
    UNI1403-N1 Unidrive ExpressPak, 2hp, 460V - 3, 3.8 Amps, Nema 1
    UNI1403-N12 Unidrive ExpressPak, 2hp, 460V - 3, 3.8 Amps, Nema 12
    UNI1403VTC Unidrive VTC (Size 1), 2hp, 460V - 3, 3.8 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI1404 Unidrive (Size 1), 3hp, 460V - 3, 5.6A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI1404LFT Unidrive LFT, 3hp, 460V - 3, 5.6 Amps, Nema 1
    UNI1404-N1 Unidrive ExpressPak, 3hp, 460V - 3, 5.6 Amps, Nema 1
    UNI1404-N12 Unidrive ExpressPak, 3hp, 460V - 3, 5.6 Amps, Nema 12
    UNI1404VTC Unidrive VTC (Size 1), 3hp, 460V - 3, 5.6 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI1405 Unidrive (Size 1), 5hp, 460V - 3, 9.5A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI1405LFT Unidrive LFT, 5hp, 460V - 3, 9.5 Amps, Nema 1
    UNI1405-N1 Unidrive ExpressPak, 5hp, 460V - 3, 9.5 Amps, Nema 1
    UNI1405-N12 Unidrive ExpressPak, 5hp, 460V - 3, 9.5 Amps, Nema 12
    UNI1405VTC Unidrive VTC (Size 1), 5hp, 460V - 3, 9.5 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI1WE >Extends standard warranty to 5 Years0n Unidrive - Size 1
    UNI2201LV Unidrive (Size 2), 3hp, 230V - 3, 12.0A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI2201VTCLV Unidrive VTC (Size 2), 3hp, 230V - 3, 12 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI2202LV Unidrive (Size 2), 5hp, 230V - 3, 16.0A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI2202VTCLV Unidrive VTC (Size 2), 5hp, 230V - 3, 16 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI2203LV Unidrive (Size 2), 7.5hp, 230V - 3, 25A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI2203VTCLV Unidrive VTC (Size 2), 7.5hp, 230V - 3, 25 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI2401 Unidrive (Size 2), 7.5hp, 460V - 3, 12A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI2401LFT Unidrive LFT, 7.5hp, 460V - 3, 12 Amps, Nema 1
    UNI2401-N1 Unidrive ExpressPak, 7.5hp, 460V - 3, 12 Amps, Nema 1
    UNI2401-N12 Unidrive ExpressPak, 7.5hp, 460V - 3, 12 Amps, Nema 12
    UNI2401VTC Unidrive VTC (Size 2), 7.5hp, 460V - 3, 12 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI2402 Unidrive (Size 2), 10hp, 460V - 3, 16A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI2402LFT Unidrive LFT, 10hp, 460V - 3, 16 Amps, Nema 1
    UNI2402-N1 Unidrive ExpressPak, 10hp, 460V - 3, 16 Amps, Nema 1
    UNI2402-N12 Unidrive ExpressPak, 10hp, 460V - 3, 16 Amps, Nema 12
    UNI2402VTC Unidrive VTC (Size 2), 10hp, 460V - 3, 16 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI2403 Unidrive (Size 2), 15hp, 460V - 3, 25A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI2403LFT Unidrive LFT, 15hp, 460V - 3, 25 Amps, Nema 1
    UNI2403-N1 Unidrive ExpressPak, 15hp, 460V - 3, 25 Amps, Nema 1
    UNI2403-N12 Unidrive ExpressPak, 15hp, 460V - 3, 25 Amps, Nema 12
    UNI2403VTC Unidrive VTC (Size 2), 15hp, 460V - 3, 25 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI2WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years0n Unidrive - Size 2
    UNI3201LV Unidrive (Size 3), 10hp, 230V - 3, 34A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI3201VTCLV Unidrive VTC (Size 3), 10hp, 230V - 3, 34 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI3202LV Unidrive (Size 3), 15hp, 230V - 3, 46A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI3202VTCLV Unidrive VTC (Size 3), 15hp, 230V - 3, 46A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI3203LV Unidrive (Size 3), 20hp, 230V - 3, 60A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI3203VTCLV Unidrive VTC (Size 3), 20hp, 230V - 3, 60A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI3204LV Unidrive (Size 3), 25hp (30hp), 230V - 3, 70A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI3204VTCLV Unidrive VTC (Size 3), 25hp / 30hp, 230V - 3, 70A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI3401 Unidrive (Size 3), 25hp, 460V - 3, 34A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI3401LFT Unidrive LFT, 20hp, 460V - 3, 34 Amps, Nema 1
    UNI3401-N1 Unidrive ExpressPak, 25hp, 460V - 3, 34 Amps, Nema 1
    UNI3401-N12 Unidrive ExpressPak, 25hp, 460V - 3, 34 Amps, Nema 12
    UNI3401VTC Unidrive VTC (Size 3), 25hp, 460V - 3, 34 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI3402 Unidrive (Size 3), 30hp, 460V - 3, 40A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI3402LFT Unidrive LFT, 25hp, 460V - 3, 40 Amps, Nema 1
    UNI3402-N1 Unidrive ExpressPak, 30hp, 460V - 3, 40 Amps, Nema 1
    UNI3402-N12 Unidrive ExpressPak, 30hp, 460V - 3, 40 Amps, Nema 12
    UNI3402VTC Unidrive VTC (Size 3), 30hp, 460V - 3, 40 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI3403 Unidrive (Size 3), 30hp, 460V - 3, 46A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI3403LFT Unidrive LFT, 30hp, 460V - 3, 46 Amps, Nema 1
    UNI3403-N1 Unidrive ExpressPak, 30hp, 460V - 3, 46 Amps, Nema 1
    UNI3403-N12 Unidrive ExpressPak, 30hp, 460V - 3, 46 Amps, Nema 12
    UNI3403VTC Unidrive VTC (Size 3), 30hp, 460V - 3, 46 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI3404 Unidrive (Size 3), 40hp, 460V - 3, 60A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI3404LFT Unidrive LFT, 40hp, 460V - 3, 60 Amps, Nema 1
    UNI3404-N1 Unidrive ExpressPak, 40hp, 460V - 3, 60 Amps, Nema 1
    UNI3404-N12 Unidrive ExpressPak, 40hp, 460V - 3, 60 Amps, Nema 12
    UNI3404VTC Unidrive VTC (Size 3), 40hp, 460V - 3, 60 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI3405 Unidrive (Size 3), 50hp, 460V - 3, 70A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI3405LFT Unidrive LFT, 50hp, 460V - 3, 70 Amps, Nema 1
    UNI3405-N1 Unidrive ExpressPak, 50hp, 460V - 3, 70 Amps, Nema 1
    UNI3405-N12 Unidrive ExpressPak, 50hp, 460V - 3, 70 Amps, Nema 12
    UNI3405VTC Unidrive VTC (Size 3), 50hp, 460V - 3, 70 A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI3WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years0n Unidrive - Size 3
    UNI4401 Unidrive (Size 4), 75hp, 460V - 3, 96A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI4401LFT Unidrive LFT, 60hp, 460V - 3, 96 Amps, Nema 1
    UNI4401-N1 Unidrive ExpressPak, 75hp, 460V - 3, 96 Amps, Nema 1
    UNI4401-N12 Unidrive ExpressPak, 75hp, 460V - 3, 96 Amps, Nema 12
    UNI4401VTC Unidrive VTC (Size 4), 75hp, 460V - 3, 96A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI4402 Unidrive (Size 4), 100hp, 460V - 3, 124A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI4402LFT Unidrive LFT, 75hp, 460V - 3, 124 Amps, Nema 1
    UNI4402-N1 Unidrive ExpressPak, 100hp, 460V - 3, 124 Amps, Nema 1
    UNI4402-N12 Unidrive ExpressPak, 100hp, 460V - 3, 124 Amps, Nema 12
    UNI4402VTC Unidrive VTC (Size 4), 100hp, 460V - 3, 124A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI4403 Unidrive (Size 4), 125hp, 460V - 3, 156A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI4403LFT Unidrive LFT, 100hp, 460V - 3, 156 Amps, Nema 1
    UNI4403-N1 Unidrive ExpressPak, 125hp, 460V - 3, 156 Amps, Nema 1
    UNI4403-N12 Unidrive ExpressPak, 125hp, 460V - 3, 156 Amps, Nema 12
    UNI4403VTC Unidrive VTC (Size 4), 125hp, 460V - 3, 156A Output Current, Nema 1 
    UNI4404 Unidrive (Size 4), 150hp, 460V - 3, 180A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI4404LFT Unidrive LFT, 125hp, 460V - 3, 180 Amps, Nema 1 
    UNI4404-N1 Unidrive ExpressPak, 150hp, 460V - 3, 180 Amps, Nema 1
    UNI4404-N12 Unidrive ExpressPak, 150hp, 460V - 3, 180 Amps, Nema 12
    UNI4404VTC Unidrive VTC (Size 4), 150hp, 460V - 3, 180A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI4405 Unidrive (Size 4), 150hp, 460V - 3, 202A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1
    UNI4405LFT Unidrive LFT, 150hp, 460V - 3, 202 Amps, Nema 1 
    UNI4405VTC Unidrive VTC (Size 4), 150hp, 460V - 3, 202A Cont. Output Current, Nema 1 
    UNI4WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years0n Unidrive - Size 4 
    UNI5401CT020 Unidrive, 200hp, 480Vac - 3, 240A Cont. Output Current, 6 Pulse, Nema 1
    UNI5401CT025-12 Unidrive, 250hp, 480Vac - 3, 300A Cont. Output Current, 12 Pulse, Nema 1 
    UNI5401VT025 Unidrive, 250hp, 480Vac - 3, 300A Cont. Output Current, 6 Pulse, Nema 1
    UNI5402CT025 Unidrive, 250hp, 480Vac - 3, 300A Cont. Output Current, 6 Pulse, Nema 1
    UNI5402CT030 Unidrive, 300hp, 480Vac - 3, 360A Cont. Output Current, 6 Pulse, Nema 1
    UNI5402CT030-12 Unidrive, 300hp, 480Vac - 3, 360A Cont. Output Current, 12 Pulse, Nema 1
    UNI5402CT035 Unidrive, 350hp, 480Vac - 3, 420A Cont. Output Current, 6 Pulse, Nema 1
    UNI5402CT035-12 Unidrive, 350hp, 480Vac - 3, 420A Cont. Output Current, 12 Pulse, Nema 1
    UNI5402CT040 Unidrive, 400hp, 480Vac - 3, 480A Cont. Output Current, 6 Pulse, Nema 1
    UNI5402CT040-12 Unidrive, 400hp, 480Vac - 3, 480A Cont. Output Current, 12 Pulse, Nema 1
    UNI5402VT030 Unidrive, 300hp, 480Vac - 3, 360A Cont. Output Current, 6 Pulse, Nema 1
    UNI5402VT030-12 Unidrive, 300hp, 480Vac - 3, 360A Cont. Output Current, 12 Pulse, Nema 1
    UNI5402VT035 Unidrive, 350hp, 480Vac - 3, 420A Cont. Output Current, 6 Pulse, Nema 1
    UNI5402VT035-12 Unidrive, 350hp, 480Vac - 3, 420A Cont. Output Current, 12 Pulse, Nema 1
    UNI5402VT040 Unidrive, 400hp, 480Vac - 3, 480A Cont. Output Current, 6 Pulse, Nema 1
    UNI5402VT040-12 Unidrive, 400hp, 480Vac - 3, 480A Cont. Output Current, 12 Pulse, Nema 1 
    UNI5402VT050 Unidrive, 500hp, 480Vac - 3, 600A Cont. Output Current, 6 Pulse, Nema 1
    UNI5403CT050 Unidrive, 500hp, 480Vac - 3, 600A Cont. Output Current, 6 Pulse, Nema 1
    UNI5403CT060 Unidrive, 600hp, 480Vac - 3, 720A Cont. Output Current, 6 Pulse, Nema 1
    UNI5403VT060 Unidrive, 600hp, 480Vac - 3, 720A Cont. Output Current, 6 Pulse, Nema 1
    UNI5403VT075 Unidrive, 750hp, 480Vac - 3, 900A Cont. Output Current, 6 Pulse, Nema 1
    UNI5404CT050-12 Unidrive, 500hp, 480Vac - 3, 600A Cont. Output Current, 12 Pulse, Nema 1
    UNI5404CT060-12 Unidrive, 600hp, 480Vac - 3, 720A Cont. Output Current, 12 Pulse, Nema 1
    UNI5404CT080 Unidrive, 800hp, 480Vac - 3, 960A Cont. Output Current, 6 Pulse, Nema 1
    UNI5404CT080-12 Unidrive, 800hp, 480Vac - 3, 960A Cont. Output Current, 12 Pulse, Nema 1
    UNI5404VT050-12 Unidrive, 500hp, 480Vac - 3, 600A Cont. Output Current, 12 Pulse, Nema 1
    UNI5404VT060-12 Unidrive, 600hp, 480Vac - 3, 720A Cont. Output Current, 12 Pulse, Nema 1
    UNI5404VT075-12 Unidrive, 750hp, 480VAC - 3, 900A Cont. Output Current, 12 Pulse, Nema 1
    UNI5404VT100 Unidrive, 1000hp, 480VAC - 3, 1200A Cont. Output Current, 6 Pulse, Nema 1
    UNI5404VT100-12 Unidrive, 1000hp, 480VAC - 3, 1200A Cont. Output Current, 12 Pulse, Nema 1
    UNI5404VT125-12 Unidrive, 1250hp, 480VAC - 3, 1500A Cont. Output Current, 12 Pulse, Nema 1 
    UNI5405CT100 Unidrive, 1000hp, 480VAC - 3, 1200A Cont. Output Current, 6 Pulse, Nema 1
    UNI5405VT125 Unidrive, 1250hp, 480VAC - 3, 1500A Cont. Output Current, 6 Pulse, Nema 1 
    UNI5406CT100-12 Unidrive, 1000hp, 480VAC - 3, 1200A Cont. Output Current, 12 Pulse, Nema 1
    UNI54CPOD Unidrive Size 5 Power Module Controller (Control Pod), 1 required per drive assembly 
    UNI54PMF12 Unidrive Size 5 Power Module: 240 Amps Constant Torque - 300 Amps Variable Torque. Up to 8 units can be paralled. 
    UNI54PMF12-IF Unidrive Size 5 Power Module with Input Fuses: 240 Amps Constant Torque - 300 Amps Variable -spacerun: yes> Up to 8 units can be paralled.
    UNI5DB Unidrive Size 5 Dynamic Braking Transistor Module (Braking resistor sold separately)
    UNI5WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years0n Unidrive - Size 5
    UNIBAF1 Required for through-panel mounting of size 1 Unidrive 
    UNIBAF2 Required for through-panel mounting of size 2 Unidrive 
    UNIBAF3 Required for through-panel mounting of size 3 Unidrive 
    UNIBAF4 Required for through-panel mounting of size 4 Unidrive 
    UNIDEMO Unidrive Demo includes: Unidrive with Control Panel in demo case, UniSoft and motor
    UNIDEMO SP UNIDEMO SP includes: 460VAC Unidrive SP, SyPT, SM-Applications Processor Module, SM-Universal Encoder Plus Module, CTIU-110, Servo Motor, Vector Motor and associated cables 
    UNIDEMO SP-LITE UNIDEMO SP-Lite includes0ne each of the following: 460VAC Unidrive SP, Sm-Applications Processor Module, SM-Universal Encoder Plus Module, CTIU-110, SyPT and programming cables 
    UNIDEMO SP-RETRO UNIDEMO SP-Retro includes the following modifications to exisiting Unidemo: 460VAC Unidrive SP, SM-Applications Processor Module and SM-Universal Encoder Plus Module 
    UNIREG1203-N1 Unidrive Regen, 1hp, 230V - 3, 3.8 Amps, Nema 1
    UNIREG1203-P0 Unidrive Regen, 1hp, 230V - 3, 3.8 Amps, Panel Mount
    UNIREG1204-N1 Unidrive Regen, 1.5hp, 230V - 3, 5.6 Amps, Nema 1
    UNIREG1204-P0 Unidrive Regen, 1.5hp, 230V - 3, 5.6 Amps, Panel Mount 
    UNIREG1205-N1 Unidrive Regen, 2hp, 230V - 3, 12 Amps, Nema 1 
    UNIREG1205-P0 Unidrive Regen, 2hp, 230V - 3, 12 Amps, Panel Mount 
    UNIREG1401-N1 Unidrive Regen, 1hp, 480V - 3, 2.1 Amps, Nema 1 
    UNIREG2201-P0 Unidrive Regen, 3hp, 230V - 3, 12 Amps, Panel Mount 
    UNIREG2202-N1 Unidrive Regen, 5hp, 230V - 3, 16 Amps, Nema 1
    UNIREG2202-P0 Unidrive Regen, 5hp, 230V - 3, 16 Amps, Panel Mount
    UNIREG2203-N1 Unidrive Regen, 7.5hp, 230V - 3, 25 Amps, Nema 1 
    UNIREG2203-P0 Unidrive Regen, 7.5hp, 230V - 3, 25 Amps, Panel Mount
    UNIREG2401-N1 Unidrive Regen, 7.5hp, 480V - 3, 12 Amps, Nema 1
    UNIREG2401-P0 Unidrive Regen, 7.5hp, 480V - 3, 12 Amps, Panel Mount
    UNIREG2402-N1 Unidrive Regen, 10hp, 480V - 3, 16 Amps, Nema 1
    UNIREG2402-P0 Unidrive Regen, 10hp, 480V - 3, 16 Amps, Panel Mount 
    UNIREG2403-N1 Unidrive Regen, 15hp, 480V - 3, 25 Amps, Nema 1
    UNIREG2403-P0 Unidrive Regen, 15hp, 480V - 3, 25 Amps, Panel Mount
    UNIREG3201-N1 Unidrive Regen, 10hp, 230V - 3, 34 Amps, Nema 1
    UNIREG3201-P0 Unidrive Regen, 10hp, 230V - 3, 34 Amps, Panel Mount
    UNIREG3202-N1 Unidrive Regen, 15hp, 230V - 3, 46 Amps, Nema 1
    UNIREG3202-P0 Unidrive Regen, 15hp, 230V - 3, 46 Amps, Panel Mount 
    UNIREG3203-N1 Unidrive Regen, 20hp, 230V - 3, 60 Amps, Nema 1 
    UNIREG3203-P0 Unidrive Regen, 20hp, 230V - 3, 60 Amps, Panel Mount
    UNIREG3204-N1 Unidrive Regen, 25hp, 230V - 3, 70 Amps, Nema 1
    UNIREG3204-P0 Unidrive Regen, 25hp, 230V - 3, 70 Amps, Panel Mount
    UNIREG3401-N1 Unidrive Regen, 25hp, 480V - 3, 34 Amps, Nema 1
    UNIREG3401-P0 Unidrive Regen, 25hp, 480V - 3, 34 Amps, Panel Mount
    UNIREG3402-N1 Unidrive Regen, 30hp, 480V - 3, 40 Amps, Nema 1 
    UNIREG3402-P0 Unidrive Regen, 30hp, 480V - 3, 40 Amps, Panel Mount 
    UNIREG3404-N1 Unidrive Regen, 40hp, 480V - 3, 60 Amps, Nema 1
    UNIREG3404-P0 Unidrive Regen, 40hp, 480V - 3, 60 Amps, Panel Mount
    UNIREG3405-N1 Unidrive Regen, 50hp, 480V - 3, 70 Amps, Nema 1
    UNIREG3405-P0 Unidrive Regen, 50hp, 480V - 3, 70 Amps, Panel Mount
    UNIREG4401-N1 Unidrive Regen, 75hp, 480V - 3, 96 Amps, Nema 1
    UNIREG4401-P0 Unidrive Regen, 75hp, 480V - 3, 96 Amps, Panel Mount 
    UNIREG4402-N1 Unidrive Regen, 100hp, 480V - 3, 124 Amps, Nema 1
    UNIREG4402-P0 Unidrive Regen, 100hp, 480V - 3, 124 Amps, Panel Mount 
    UNIREG4403-N1 Unidrive Regen, 125hp, 480V - 3, 156 Amps, Nema 1
    UNISOFT Windows 

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